Every day ESC competes against large, mainstream companies with huge resources. Having $100,000.00 would enable the Columbus, Ohio-based firm to further expand operations by hiring new technicians, office workers, and to pay for advertising. However, before ESC can even hope to win--before the firm is actually eligible for the contest--Chase Bank requires that it receive 250 votes from individuals across the nation, individuals like you.
“This is an excellent opportunity for ESC to expand, which means I’ll be able to hire additional fire and security technicians, buy much needed test devices and other equipment, as well as hire more office people,” says John Larkin, senior partner with Electronic Systems Consultants LLC of Columbus, Ohio. “ESC is an Ohio certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), which means we’re a small business competing against huge companies. Having the money that this grant affords will go a long way in assuring our competitiveness and effectiveness in our market. This is why I’m asking you today to help make this happen.”What exactly is the Mission Main Street Grants® program? The program gives money to 20 small businesses nationwide to help expand their operations. To be eligible, besides having 250 votes, a small business must have less than 100 employees, must have been in business for two consecutive years, and the owner must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the United States.
“So far we qualify on all accounts, other than the 250 votes. We have until June 19th go get them,” says Larkin. “I’d appreciate it very much if you could take a few moments of your time do give us a chance to win this grant.”
Please help John Larkin attain eligibility!Number 1: If you have a Facebook account, please go to this link on Chase Bank and vote for ESC: http://bit.ly/1FrnROQ and click on the VOTE NOW button which looks like this: Number 2: You also can help by forwarding this article to your personal/business friends and acquaintances. Go to the bottom of this article and click on the social media channel(s) of your choice. That will share this article with your social media followers and friends. The social media bar looks like this: |
This is a great opportunity for ESC to grow and give back to the community. Please help us to do that by voting for Electronic Systems Consultants LLC by clicking on the VOTE NOW button. Thank you!
Press Contact: Allan B. Colombo, TpromoCom
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