Showing posts with label email subscription. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email subscription. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

New Features and Benefits Associated With the new ESC Website

Staying abreast of industry news is an important part of what all of us at Electronic Systems Consultants LLC do each and every day of the week. I know it's equally important to you.

Recently, I authorized the addition of seven new links to well established magazines in a variety of industries that we believe will be of interest to the majority of our clients. In addition, we placed 14 news feeds from a variety of magazines and various news sources, making them available for your daily reading.

If you have a favorite news source that we can add to our list, please send it along in an email or in the form of a comment at the bottom of this page. We'll be adding and improving on our list as we move along with additional improvements and new features.

Talking about new features, we've added three more elements to our new website that should be of help to you as we grow our content.

  1. Search: We added a search utility to the site, enabling you to quickly find what you need by words and phrases.
  2. Email Subscription: In addition, we added an email subscription feature that allows you to receive updates when we make improvements and add content to our website. Both Search and Email features can be accessed at the top right side of the website.
  3. Keyword List: The last feature is a listing of all keywords used in our accompanying blog posts, which can be found at the bottom of the two smaller right hand columns.

As always ESC stands ready and willing to assist you in your security and safety needs. For a full list of the services we offer, visit our services page. To reach me, please use our contact us page.

Have a prosperous and safe day!

John Larkin
ESC Senior Partner
