Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

John Larkin Responds to the Death & Destruction Caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Here at Electronic Systems Consultants LLC (ESC) we're a tight knit family. What effects one of us effects us all in some manner. Whether it's a common lightning storm, tornado, or a hurricane, no one knows more than we do the end result of a catastrophic event like the recent hurricanes, Harvey and Irma, that hit Texas and Florida.

Whether it's a devastating fire or the weather, the loss of property and lives are things that forever change our lives. Without a doubt, the last few weeks have seen a tremendous amount of destruction, injuries, and deaths at the hands of weather conditions that are totally out of our control. To all of you who have lost your home, a family member(s), or a close friend, please know that the prayers of everyone at ESC are with you.

It is my hope that the next two hurricanes are less violent and devastating then the last two.

John Larkin, Senior Partner
ESC of Greater Ohio

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