Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to Avoid the Theft of Expensive Jewelry

The prerequisite for preventing a crime is to be aware of any threats as well as your surroundings. In other words, you must be in the moment during those times when you are the most at risk.

A good example of this is if you were to have a flat tire in the middle of the night in an alley or side street within a major city. You wouldn’t want to call AAA and then sit there thinking about what you’re going to cook for breakfast the next morning. Frankly, in this situation, there might not be a next morning if you are unaware of your surroundings.

In 2011, the following video was uploaded to YouTube. It is a warning concerning the theft of gold jewelry.

“A warning from police departments across the country, crooks are coming after it. The volatile stock market has driven investors to buy gold that’s driven the price of gold to record highs making gold even more appealing for crooks and in some cities the crooks are getting pretty brazen,” says a television news anchor with Fox, channel 10.

If you watch the first portion of the video carefully, you see an elderly woman being victimized by a criminal along the street. Although no one can say that she could have avoided this altercation by not prominently wearing her gold necklace that day, I believe it is reasonable to say that the crook may not have been as likely to notice her.

My advice to women especially is not to flaunt your expensive jewelry, which can be especially difficult to hide during summer months when the neckline is usually uncovered and easy to view. But one way to handle this is to take it off before walking into harm’s way. If you know that you are about to encounter a public area where such an encounter could occur, put your jewelry in the glove box of your car or place it in your purse.

Preventing Jewelry Thefts at Home

Jewelry thefts in the home are also common, especially where workmen are present during daylight hours. Although a theft might not occur during the time they are working there, the fact that you flaunt it on your bedroom makeup table might be enough to entice them to return when you are not there. Remember, daylight burglaries are more frequent than at night. When you have work being done in the home, the best thing to do is put that jewelry away—out of sight, out of mind, and out of harm’s way.

Electronic Systems Consultants LLC can help you keep your jewelry safe by installing a quality alarm system in your home. We use wireless technology which means we do not have to drill and run wires throughout your home.

A 24/7 wireless panic button also assures that if someone does enter the home when you are there that police can be immediately summoned by our quality UL-listed central station. Call us today for a free consultation.

Call 614-754-1393, fill out the “get a quote” form on the right side of this page, or click here. Thank you!

John Larkin, Senior Partner


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