Showing posts with label Summit Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summit Magazine. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2016

ESC is a Proud Sponsor of the Summit County Outreach Initiative

ESC Senior Partner John Larkin, shown with Summit Magazine’s Bob Lanier, attended the Summit County Outreach Initiative on December 6th along with other business executives and county officials. The semi-annual event, an initiative of Summit Magazine, was held at the Tangiers in Akron.

The purpose of the event is to network and learn about the many opportunities that exist in Summit County, including county government and other concerns, such as Suma Health, the Chamber of Commerce, and others. Here John Larkin met with decision makers in county offices and select end-users, in addition to networking with other small business owners.

“We routinely partner with Summit Magazine to sponsor the event. It gives us a unique opportunity to get to know important Summit County officials as well as other business executives. I’ve been involved with this event for the past two years,” says Larkin. “There were approximately 50 individuals at this 3- to 4-hour meeting who represent both public and private interests.”
According to Larkin, the County is committed to connecting small business owners with opportunities to work with the county and to grow their companies. The next meeting will be held at Quaker Station on April 26, 2017. It’ll e the third annual Greater Summit, Business Conference & Expo Hosted by the University of Akron.

Call ESC at 614-754-1393, send an email to, or use our convenient contact form here:

Allan B. Colombo

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

John Larkin, ESC, Attends Greater Summit Award Reception

In collaboration with the County of Summit, the City of Akron, and the University of Akron, Black Pages Ohio and the Summit Magazine hosted its 2nd Annual “Greater Summit Business Conference & Expo” which took place at the University of Akron - Quaker Station, on August 24th.
“The event was informative and entertaining as it is every year. I always find this event engaging and I’d encourage others to get involved,” says John Larkin, Senior Partner with ESC.
To contact John about this or to find out more about ESC diverse group of services in the life-safety and security area, call 614-754-1393 or visit on the Web.

(Photo: Bob Lenier - CEO The Summit Magazine [right], presents
the 2016 Advocacy Award to John Larkin, ESC [left])

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Friday, July 10, 2015

John Larkin Featured in Summit Magazine

John Larkin, founder and senior partner with Electronic Systems Consultants LLC (ESC), based in Columbus Ohio, with branch offices in Cleveland and Louisville, KY, was recently featured in the pages of Summit Magazine (page 9). In the article, Summit offers a fairly detailed view of ESC, the company's offerings, and its history.

The writer begins by covering the basic services offered by John Larkin's firm, which includes security systems; access control, both traditional and managed; fire protection, which includes electronic fire alarms, special hazards, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers--both monitoring and full code-compliant inspection and testing services; emergency and nurse call, video surveillance; perimeter detection; and others.

The article provides information on John's Minority Business Enterprise and Veteran business ownership status, which is an important certification to both ESC and its clients. The article also provides insights into ESC services as well as an interesting section on John Larkin's climb to success.

John's ultimate goal, according to the Summit story is " one day become owner of one of the largest Integration companies in Central Ohio, providing jobs and opportunities to people within the I-270 corridor."

To read John Larkin’s story in Summit Magazine, please feel free to download it on PDF, or you can read it on Summit’s website (page 9).

Allan B. Colombo, ESC publicity
